Monthly native title updates
Happy holidays from SANTS
The SANTS office will be closed over the Christmas/New Year period starting 25 Dec 2024 (Wednesday) with normal business hours resuming on 2 Jan 2025 (Thursday).
We additionally advise certain staff will be taking extended leave before and after these dates to recharge leading into the new year.
Wishing you a safe and happy holidays from the team at SANTS!
PBC Regional Forum in Coffin Bay

In December, representatives from PBCs around South Australia attended the National Native Title Council’s (NNTC) PBC Regional Forum in Coffin Bay on Nauo Country.
It was a productive two-day forum, where Traditional Owners discussed topics such as land and water rights, co-management of parks, biodiversity, cultural safety, leadership, lateral violence, healing, succession planning and youth development.
Elders encouraged young people in the room to share their thoughts about native title and how they could be included in the process. As Chelsie Collard (NNTC) said, “these discussions are just the beginning of young people taking up the space that is destined for them, without fear, as they’re guided by their old people.”
Presentations and Q&A sessions were held by SANTS, NNTC, National Indigenous Australians Agency, Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, National Native Title Tribunal, Department for Environment and Water, Department for Infrastructure and Transport, and Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS). Agencies left with plenty of ways they can better support and provide opportunities for PBCs and their members.
Before heading home, attendees joined Nauo Elder Jody Miller for a tour of his Country around the breathtaking cliffs, beaches and sea near Coffin Bay. Traditional Owners made the journey back home with new connections, ideas and aspirations for the future.
Look out for a full report about the forum to be released by the NNTC.
Aboriginal Way chats with First Nations Healing

First Nations Healing, formerly Nunga Mi:Minar, is a family and domestic violence support service, which recently celebrated 50 years of operating in South Australia.
The organisation now supports men in addition to women (miminar) and children experiencing family and domestic violence.
In this episode of Aboriginal Way, the CEO (Olive Bennell) and Strategy, Policy and Partnership Lead (Clinton Bennell) explain the organisation’s new direction, and why we should avoid labels like “perpetrator” and “victim” and instead focus on individual and family healing.
You can access support from First Nations Healing online at or call 8367 6474, you can also call 13 YARN on 13 9276 for a free and confidential chat with a First Nations crisis support worker.
Electorate of Frome to be renamed ‘Ngadjuri’ as part of 2026 SA election redistribution

The state electorate of Frome in South Australia’s Mid North has been renamed Ngadjuri ahead of the next election, after Traditional Owners raised concerns about its namesake, Edward Frome and his involvement in acts of retribution against Aboriginal people.
The Electoral Districts Boundaries Commission’s decision was unveiled as it set the final electoral boundaries for the 2026 vote.
Join the First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance

The First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance is a coalition of member organisations representing First Nations people from across Australia – including native title, land rights and community-controlled organisations.
The Alliance seeks to strengthen the laws, policies and procedures around the recognition, respect, protection and celebration of First Nations cultural heritage in Australia, following the the shocking destruction of Juukan Gorge.
Membership is open to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisations that are:
- incorporated under relevant legislation and are not-for-profit
- controlled and operated by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
- connected to the community/communities in which they operate
- governed by a majority Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander governing body
Be part of the national movement to protect our cultural heritage and determine future protection laws by filling out the membership form below.