South Australian Native Title Services (SANTS) notes that it has been announced in the 2018 State Budget that our State Government grant will be discontinued.
The grant was provided in past years primarily to facilitate South Australian Aboriginal communities interactions with the government and its agencies in negotiating agreements but also to assist in maintaining our infrastructure and capacity. This grant has allowed for 107 Indigenous Land Use Agreements to be negotiated in this State since 2001.
While this funding cut will be a challenge for our organisation, we will continue to perform our statutory functions with the funding that is provided by the Commonwealth Government. Our Board and Management have already put in place strategies to deal with the reduction in funding while maintaining quality services to ensure we continue to protect and have recognised the native title rights and interests of Aboriginal people in South Australia.
Keith Thomas
Chief Executive Officer
SANTS acknowledges that the land on which our office is based is the traditional lands for the Kaurna people and we respect their spiritual and cultural relationship with their country.