Barngarla Speak Out

The Barngarla people have expressed their disappointment and anger at the way the Federal Government has consulted about the possible placement of a radioactive waste disposal site on their traditional country.In a statement and video released about the ballot process, representatives from the Barngarla Determination Aboriginal Corporation said that “The Fed Government is treating traditional owners like flora and fauna, sending Australia back 52 years to before the 1967 Referendum”.Barngarla spokesperson Linda Dare said in the video that “We actually want to have a voice on our own country”.Barngarla elder Harry Dare said that the native title holders stand with farmers who opposed the site in the Kimba area.“We stand wholeheartedly behind them in their push to say no to nuclear waste on what is their farming country and which is our traditional lands. So we say no to nuclear waste on Barngarla country, anybody’s country” he said.Jeanne Miller said that she has concerns about the safety of any radioactive waste site on Barngarla country.“They say that it’s safe, but is it really? And if it spills into the ground, we have waterways under that ground that will be infected by that nuclear waste. That’s wrong in my eyes. That’s wrong in my people’s eyes and I stand with the farmers 100% in saying that there should be no waste dump in Kimba.”You can view the video Barngarla Speak Out, produced by Kim Mavromatis here:

SANTS acknowledges that the land on which our office is based is the traditional lands for the Kaurna people and we respect their spiritual and cultural relationship with their country.