Strategic Plan

The SANTS Strategic Plan 2015-2020 provides the focus for all we strive to achieve.

Our Vision and Mission
Our Vision is Sustainable Aboriginal Nations. This is all about self-determination - the ability of Aboriginal people to determine their own futures by achieving their social, cultural, environmental and economic aspirations on their terms.

Our Mission is to work with Aboriginal Nations to deliver services to realise their aspirations. This is about providing support services to Aboriginal Nations that best support them in achieving what they want to achieve. It is not about what SANTS wants. It is about what Aboriginal Nations and their members want - what they want to achieve and how they want to get there.

Our Values

Our values represent our core beliefs and behaviours. They reinforce how we operate internally and externally in how we work with Aboriginal Nations and other stakeholders.

Across our work, we uphold the following values:
for people, culture, country, difference and ideas
being ethical, accountable and transparent, and working with integrity and competence
encouraging collaboration and participation, and listening to and considering the views of others
Our Goals
we have identified the following four key goals which collectively provide a framework for our work



SANTS acknowledges that the land on which our office is based is the traditional lands for the Kaurna people and we respect their spiritual and cultural relationship with their country.