Monthly native title updates
Narungga granted native title
After a decade-long wait, the Federal Court has recognised the Narungga people as the Native Title Holders of the Yorke Peninsula.
On March 14, Narungga people met at Point Pearce Aboriginal School to have their native title rights and interests recognised in land and waters from Mundoora in the north to Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park in the south of Yorke Peninsula.
They also received compensation for activities on their Country that diminished or damaged their native title rights and interests. Narungga Nation Aboriginal Corporation said the money will be invested to support their community and to preserve their traditional land and waters.
SA legislates Voice to Parliament

South Australia has made history by officially becoming the first state to pass a bill for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. However, SANTS believes the process has been rushed with disregard for native title holders who have the authority to speak for their Country. ABC’s 7:30 Report produced a story about the Voice that includes an interview with SANTS CEO Keith Thomas. SANTS hopes the legislation will better represent native title holders with future changes.
Prescribed Bodies Corporate Forum

In March, SANTS held a two-day Prescribed Corporate Bodies (PBC) Forum on Kaurna Yerta. The forum was an opportunity for PBCs from across South Australia to come together for discussions on issues directly affecting them.
Topics high on this list included an overview of the South Australian First Nations Voice to Parliament with discussions around the positive and negative aspects of the proposed bill, including the regional boundaries and their proposed committees; the Renewable Energy Framework and the opportunities for native title; co-management and handback with discussions around opportunities for native title and state/regional strategic direction; SAACCON Land, Sea and Waters Targets for Closing the Gap; and an overview and discussion of the proposed amendments to the Aboriginal Heritage Act.
Attorney-General and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Kyam Maher, joined the session along with representatives from state government agencies.