The Gawler Ranges Aboriginal Corporation was incorporated on the 16 December 2011 and administers land on behalf of the Gawler Ranges People. They were first recognised in the McNamara/Gawler Ranges People determination that was handed down on 19 December 2011. The Gawler Ranges native title consent determination recognises the non-exclusive native title rights to access, hunt, fish, camp gather and use the natural resources, undertake cultural activities, conduct ceremonies and meetings, and protect places of cultural and religious significance.
The determination arose from a native title claim first lodged in 1997 over an area of approximately 34,000 square kilometres in the Gawler Ranges area and Lake Gardiner National Park in South Australia. The consent determination recognises the Gawler Ranges peoples non-exclusive native title rights to access, hunt, fish, and camp gather and use natural resources, undertake cultural activities, conduct ceremonies and meetings, and protect places of cultural and religious significance.