On July 6, the Ngadjuri people of South Australia received their second Federal Court-recognised native title consent determination, at a packed Burra Town Hall.
The determination area covers South Australian towns across the Mid North including Kapunda, Clare, Burra, Peterborough and Yunta.
Ngadjuri Elder Aunty Patricia Waria Read spoke at the native title hearing of her people’s history living in the area and encouraged those in attendance to reflect on the past while looking forward to a brighter future.
“I’m so proud of the land on which my great-grandfather lived. I’m sure they’re here in spirit and we can feel them around to acknowledge the hard work that they did for us in the past.
“They did the hard yakka but we’re here now for the futures of our young Ngadjuri men and women and for the Mid North.”
The July 6 determination followed their first shared native title determination in Orroroo, on December 14, 2018.
Aboriginal Way attended the determination with several interviews featured in this program.